Frugal Useful Tips

Useful Tips You Can Use

WEEK 11/06:

To make art fun, make a wire shape, any shape any size, and clip photos, post cards, or kids' art to it, to keep it fresh!

WEEK 10/24:

Save all your fabric scraps, even tiny ones. They're great for making wearable fabric flowers later!

WEEK 10/07:
Hazelnut-flavored oatmeal. If you're a coffee drinker, like I am, and a use flavored creamer in your coffer, try it on oatmeal. My favorite is Hazelnut....mmmm, DELISH!!!

WEEK 10/01
Rooting Hormone is our friend (I use Schultz's TakeRoot)! When I prune a plant I love, I take the nice clippings, dip the end in this magic potion and stick'em in the ground! The success rate is fantastic, just keep them MOIST!!

WEEK 9/22
When deadheading roses, try doing it in the morning or late  evening and scatter the petals on your freshly cut lawn or your patio table and enjoy them one more time!

WEEK 9/12:

When juicing citrus - lemons, limes, or oranges - ZEST them first and save the zest in your freezer!

WEEK 9/5:
Set seeds of any fruit you love, out to dry. Bag and label it, or plant & set pot near a sunny window. Transfer when ready and in not time you'll reap what you sew!

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